Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Innocence and Opulence

I laugh at the comedic picture of the male innocence taking on the female opulence in relationship "how-to's." I believe whole-heartedly that most men are not malicious users of women; that they just can't get their head around what a woman wants. Most women are not coy, manipulators of men. We should all cut each other some relationship slack now and then. Just as men struggle to comprehend the ever-changing mind of a woman, women have difficulty fathoming why men do or say the things they do. The fact that men and women draw each other is testament to the miraculous power of God in his creation of both sexes. Had He not designed us to crave the other, I cannot imagine how we would ever come together. We are indeed a species from Mars and Venus, speaking different languages of the heart. This is why I encourage men and women to talk openly and honestly about everything on their minds. With open communication the games stop and the real relationship begins.

The less "what ifs" in your head, the fewer "tiffs" to be had.

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