Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mums the Word

Communication is crucial in any relationship, and though it is important to be open and honest, it is also necessary to choose your words carefully. The terrible thing about words is you can't ever take them back. You can't stop time and suck them out of the person's ears and back into your mouth. The split second a damaging word leaves your tongue, a wound is eminent. Words don't just sting once either…they fester and boil and throb and cause an aching sore deep in the tender spot of your soul. Even an apology can't remove the lesion.

We've all had moments where we've shut our mouth one second too late and hurt someone we loved. Maimed by a verbal lashing we've brought tears to other's eyes, and flooded our own souls with regret. Information we should have kept to ourself has upset a friend. Things we shouldn't have disclosed has harmed a relationship. Angry utterances and frustrated ranting has brought sadness.

How can the tongue be such a fierce and vicious weapon of destruction? There are some secrets not worth disclosing… some truths not worth knowing… because the affliction accompanying them is too great to ask anyone to carry.

Key to remember is before we speak, ask ourselves if what we're about to say is for our benefit or the benefit of the other person. If it's not for them than Mum's the Word!

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