Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Going Through the Motions...with no Emotion!

Almost all marriages begin with romance. Somewhere down the road it fades. Daily life often leaves little time and less energy. Thus, we begin to settle for comfort over excitement. To climb into bed and snuggle up is easier than lighting candles, turning on music and pursuing physical intimacy...especially after a long day at work. Exhaustion plays a huge role in marital lethargy. It becomes a trigger for the emotional disconnect between spouses. The disconnect happens slowly over time. One day you wake up and realize you've been going through the motions and it's caused separation and loneliness in your heart.

For most couples, their marriage is not something they would label "troubled" or "bad." It just "is." It exists, but it doesn't live.

I am here to tell you that your marriage can not just live, but thrive again! An old relationship will never be "new" but it can be renewed. The feeling that is lacking right now can flourish in your heart again.

Spouse In My House can help you re-ignite a flame you thought burned out a long time ago.

Are you ready to add emotion to your marital motions?

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